29b F. Nullo Street, 32-300 Olkusz
phone number: +48 32 643 06 19
e-mail: info@biblioteka.olkusz.pl
NIP: 6371887791
REGON: 357097282
21 1240 4940 1111 0000 5505 2490
Nasze działy
e-mail: wypozyczalnia-dorosli@biblioteka.olkusz.pl
tel. 32 643 06 19 wew. 30; 32 754 56 12
e-mail: wypozyczalnia-dzieci@biblioteka.olkusz.pl
tel. 32 643 06 19, wew. 23
tel. 32 643 06 19 wew. 23
Contact to the Main Library
Accounting Department
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 21; 32 754 56 14
Collection Development and Processing Department
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 29; 32 754 56 16
Bibliography and Information Department
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 26
Instructional and Methodical Department
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 27; 32 754 56 15
Collection Circulation Department
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 27; 32 754 56 15
Adult Library
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 30; 32 754 56 12
Reading Rooms
phone: 32 643 06 19 extension: 23
Contact to Library Affiliates
Library Affiliate No. 2
19 Długa Street, 32-300 Olkusz
phone: 32 645 01 20
Library Affiliate No. 3
14/16 Legionów Polskich Street, 32-300 Olkusz
phone: 32 754 77 55
Library Affiliate No. 5
4 Konopnickiej Street, 32-300 Olkusz
phone: 32 645 08 92
Library Affiliate in Braciejówka
Braciejówka 60, 32-300 Olkusz
phone: 603650619
Library Affiliate in Osiek
Osiek 79b, 32-300 Olkusz
phone: 603650619
Library Affiliate in Żuradzie
16 Słoneczna Street (Remiza OSP), 32-300 Olkusz
phone: 32 641 25 22